domenica 31 agosto 2014


ITA: Vi presento il nuovo progetto “Italian Doom Metal Records” , una label che trattera' esclusivamente doom metal bands italiane selezionando eccellenze e talenti musicali, prestando particolare attenzione verso le bands che orientano il proprio sound su sonorita' tipicamente nostrane.
Come potete osservare, il logo dell'etichetta ritrae un gatto ed una croce, la scelta di tale simbolo vuole essere un piccolo riferimento e tributo al padre ed iniziatore della scena italiana e cioè a Paolo Catena ( Paul Chain) il quale , nella storica compilation “The Story Of...” (Death SS) , seppur rappresentandoli differentemente , annoverava tra i suoi simboli proprio gli stessi.
Nel caso specifico del logo della label ho pero preferito utilizzare una croce pagana , ( la croce “Ankh” egiziana) rappresentata presso da molte civiltà antiche.
Essa rappresenta la luce e la vita mentre il felino rappresenta il mistero, la notte e l'occulto.

Indicativamente i generi di interesse saranno i seguenti: Italian Dark Sound ; Doom Metal ; Epic Doom Metal ; Psych/Doom Metal; Stoner/Doom Metal ; Experimental Music ; Progressive Doom Metal

Le prime due release sono gia confermate , l'etichetta debutterà con il primo full-length dei toscani Fangs Of The Molossus ( Psich/Doom ) ristampato in una prestigiosa edizione in vinile ( Colored Vinyl e Black Vinyl)

La seconda release verra annunciata nei prossimi mesi e costutirà uno split tra due storiche bands italiane .

In Doom.

Simone Pozzolo

ENGL: This is the new project "Italian Doom Metal Records," a label that will deal exclusively Italian doom metal bands by selecting excellence and musical talents, paying particular attention to the bands that vote their sound to a typical italian style.
As you can see, the logo of the label depicts a cat and a cross, the choice of this symbol meant to be a kind of reference and tribute to Paolo Catena (Paul Chain) , the father and founder of the Italian Doom Metal scene. In the historical compilation "The Story of ..." (Death SS), although representing them differently, he used among its symbols just the same.
In the specific case of the logo of the label I preferred to use a pagan cross (the Egyptian cross "Ankh")commonly used by many ancient civilizations.
That cross represents light and life , while the cat is the mystery, the night and the occult.

The first two releases are already confirmed, the label will debut with the first full-length of the tuscan Fangs Of The Molossus ( Psich/Doom ) reissued in a prestigious vinyl edition ( colored and black vinyl)

The second release will be announced in the next months and it consist of a split between two historical Italian bands.



FANGS OF THE MOLOSSUS - The deal with Italian Doom Metal Records

Acid King Khanjia - Vox & Guitar
Amp Zilla - Guitar & Space FX
Count J. Vendetta - Guitar & Space FX
Daemon Nox - Bass
Iako - Drums

Guest Musicians:
Ain Soph Aour ( NECROMASS ) Vocals (track 3)
JC CHaos ( NECROMASS ) Guitar solo (track 5)

1 - Caligula
2 - Cult Of The Witch Goddess
3 - I Drink Your Blood
4 - O Fera Flagella
5 - Dead King Rise

The newborn label " Italian Doom Metal Records " is going to reissue the brillant psych/doom  "Fangs Of The Molossus" debut album in vinyl edition, the release date is approximately late 2014/ january 2015

Almost 40 minutes of HEAVY Psich/Doom will blow your mind !
Mandatory for fans of Electric Wizard , Blood Farmers , Pentagram , Serpent Venom , Hawkwind , Black Sabbath.

Pressing infos:
- Die Hard Edition : 100 copies Blood Red Trasparent Vinyl + insert
- Regular Edition : 400 copies Black Vinyl + insert



CONAN (Uk) 4 date in Italia a Novembre

Gli doom "heroes" inglesi CONAN , in occasione della recente uscita del nuovo "Blood Eagle" , intraprenderanno un lungo tour che li portera' per la prima volta in Italia con ben 4 date:

7 Ottobre - Bologna @ Freakout Club
8 Ottobre - Savona @ Officine Solimano
9 Ottobre - Milano @ Lo Fi Club
10 Ottobre - Scandicci ( FI) @ Circus Club

Ulteriori dettagli a breve 

YOB (Usa) + KROWNN (Ita) + PALLBEARER (Usa) + ZODIAC (Ger)

La Doom/Stoner band americana YOB sara' in Tour in occasione della pubblicazione del nuovo album "Clearing the Path to Ascend" ( in uscita tramite Neurot Recordings) compagni di tour saranno i Pallbearer freschi del nuovo full-lenght "Foundations of Burden" (Profound Lore Records).

L'unica data italiana si celebrera' il 27 Settembre al LO FI CLUB di Milano , apriranno la serata gli Italianissimi doomer KROWNN e i rockers tedeschi ZODIAC

Via Dei Pestagalli 27 , Milano


Apertura porte ore 21:00
Ingresso euro 15 con tessera ARCI
evento su facebook (HERE)

domenica 24 agosto 2014

FANGTOOTH - ...As We Dive Into The Dark LP/CD out soon via Jolly Roger Records

Painkiller: lead guitars
Sfack: vocals - guitars
The Animal: drums
Damien: bass

1 - Funeral In December (preview HERE)
2 - Of Flesh And Bolts
3 - No Tomorrow (preview HERE)
4 - Memories Of A Forgotten Season
5 - Scylla ( The Bitch That Lurks In The Abyss)
6 - The Wild Hunt
7 - Lord Of A Kingdom Dead

Some news about the siclian Epic/Doom Metal band Fangtooth;

The 2nd long awaited album "...As We Dive Into The Dark" is going to be released both in CD and Vinyl formats by the italian label "Jolly Roger records" (Brown Lp limited to 100 copies / Lp / Cd).

The release date is scheduled to 27th October, the live presentation of the album will be celebrated at the Malta Doom Metal festival  ( 23th October)

You can listen to the song "No Tomorrow" on the Fangtooth bandcamp HERE



giovedì 7 agosto 2014

EPITAPH - "Crawling Out Of The Crypt" debut album out soon from High Roller Records

Finally we got the news about the long awaited "Epitaph" debut album "Crawling Out Of The Crypt".
This italian doom metal gem will be released in October 2014 by the german well know label High Roller Records .
The product will be available both in digipack CD and Vinyl editions.

Pressing infos:
- 150 copies x 2LP black vinyl , gatefold cover , 12 page booklet.
- 350 copies x 2LP trasparent clear / black splatter vinyl, gatefold cover , 12 page booklet.
- CD Digipack + booklet

1 - Beyond the Mirror
2 - Ancient Rite
3 - Sacred and Prophane
4 - The Battle of Inside
5 - Daughters of Lot
6 - Loser One
7 - Necronomicon
8 - Confuse the Light
9 - Crying Puppets (bonus track for the vinyl edition only )

Emiliano Cioffi - Vocals (ex All Souls Day)
Lorenzo Loatelli - Guitars 
Nicola Murari - Bass ( ex Black Hole , ex Sacrilege )
Mauro Tollini - Drums ( ex Black Hole , ex Sacrilege )

You can read an interview to Mauro Tollini HERE (italian / English / Spanish language)